Sunday, April 18, 2010

First Family Vacation to Louisiana!!

After Rogan got a break from his job we decided to take a trip to Louisiana to visit family. We decided it would save money to drive so we set off on our 24 hour drive. Payten did really good for being in the car that long, she barely cried and slept for the most part. It was so nice seeing our family that we never get to see, and that they got to see Payten cause they hadn't since she was born. It was such a fun trip and we even got to be there for Kristine's birthday which was perfect! Words can't even explain how amazing our family in Louisiana is we miss them so much and wish we could be with them everyday!

Payten's Blessing!

I forgot to post this before the engagement i'm still trying to figure out this blog thing lol. On February 7, 2010 Payten was blessed by her Great Grandpa David Peterson. It was such a beautiful blessing. All her family was there (except our family in Louisiana) :(. Afterwards we had a luncheon with all the family and friends and it was so nice to be together for her special day.


On February 12, 2010 Rogan surprised me by coming home early. When he walked in the door he told me to hurry and get ready cause he had a surprise for me. We left Payten with my mom and we were out the door heading to Redmond. He told me that someone had spray painted the water tower in Redmond and he wanted to show it to me. We got to the water tower, he parked the car, turned some music on, and turned off the car. I asked him why he turned the lights off cause i couldn't see the water tower and he just told me to get out of the truck. We sat on the tail gate and just talked for a little bit. All the sudden our song started playing and he got on his knee and asked me to marry him. Right as i said yes bottle rockets started going off. It was the proposal of my dreams. He picked me up and twirled me around while he was hugging me and of course like any girl would, i was bawling. It was a complete surprise. Not even my parents knew he was going to do it that day. I'm so happy that he is the one i get to spend eternity with, he is the most amazing guy i've ever met and i'm so lucky to have him! We are going to have an amazing life together and i can't wait to start it on August 4, 2010!

Christmas 2009

It was our first Christmas as a family and it was by far the best! Payten was only 4 days old and we just loved having her there. Everyone was so in love with her and thought she was the most beautiful baby they've ever seen (which she was). Yes, having a baby close to Christmas probably wont be fun for her, but it was good because all the family was down so they could meet her! Here are a few pictures of her first Christmas...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Payten's Birth

On December 20, 2009 i was scheduled to be induced. It was perfect because Rogan's family that lives in Louisiana could be there for the birth. So on that Sunday at 3:00 p.m. i was admited into the Gunnison Hospital. The plan was to give me a pill to soften my cervix then the next morning start me on pitocin but that changed real quick. The nurse checked me and i was dialated to a 3, so they hooked me up to all the monitors and my contractions were consistent. Come to find out, i was already in labor. Instead of giving me the pill to soften my cervix they said they were just going to let me go bymyself which was exactly what happen. I was in early labor so i couldn't feel my contractions which was nice! We patiently waited for me to progress and for everything to happen. That night the nurse came in and said she was going to give me a sleeping pill so i could get a good nights rest before i had the baby because they thought i would for sure make it through the night because i wasn't really progressing very fast. But little did they know, i was. She told me when i wanted to go to bed to ask her for the sleeping pill so at about 10:30p.m. i asked for the sleeping pill. Bad idea. At around 11:00 p.m. i started having the REAL contractions. I just silently cried to myself and Rogan just knelt by me and held my hand which i almost broke from squeezing so hard when i had contractions. I was begging for my epidural but they wouldn't give it to me until i was at a 4 so when i was finally at a 4 i was so releived even though the thought of getting an epidural terrified me. The epidural went smoothly and i felt so much better. But i was totally out of it because of the sleeping pill so i don't remember much. I guess i was so out of it i went to go to the bathroom and showed everyone my bum because i didn't hold my hospital dress closed. After that i went from a 3 to a 10 in 6 hours. Progressing so fast made me very sick and i threw up for a while which was no fun. While i was laying there totally out of it all the sudden i said "uh ohh, i think my water just broke" and sure enough it did and Rogan said "uhh. i don't feel very good." He didn't know that when your water broke it had blood in it and it made him sick bless his heart. Finally I was at a 10 and my nurse called my doctor. She said she was gonna shower and make herself "presentable" and she would be right there. An hour later she finally got there. Everyone was in the room, my mom, Rogan's mom, Rogan's sister, Rogan's Grandma, my sister, my mom, and Rogan. I was not shy what so ever. But then again i was out of it so i had no idea what was even going on and could care less haha. I pushed for about 15 min and my baby girl was finally born December 21, 2009 at 5:17 a.m. But it wasn't a happy moment. She came out and wasn't breathing. Right when she came out we knew something wasn't right. I thought to myself, "i thought babies were supposed to cry when they were born" and obviously Rogan did too. She rushed Rogan to cut the cord and the nurse hurry and grabbed her and ran out of the room yelling "respitory stat!" Hospitals are supposed to have respitory therapists in the room but of course, Gunnison did not. One of the MANY problems we had at that hospital. Finally after what felt like forever the nurse got her breathing. I had no idea if she was even ok, noone would tell me anything. After i got all stitched up and cleaned up they brought in Payten. She was the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. I never knew i could love someone so much when i barely knew them. Rogan gave her her first bath and she didn't even cry. She just layed there and starred at him. They had such a special bond right away. The first couple of nights Rogan and I pulled all nighters because we didn't dare go to sleep with noone watching her because we were afraid she would choke or something because she had swollowed some fluid when she was born. and we didn't want to leave her with a nurse because we didn't really trust them because earlier that day they left her in the nursery by herself with the door wide open. During the day Rogan's mom and my mom would watch Payten while we got some sleep, which wasn't much at all. Finally on the 23 we got to come home. From there it was just pure happiness to have her here. She was such a blessing and we were so lucky to have such a healthy baby. And to top it off she never cried! I was very lucky to have a good baby for my first. She has changed our life completely for the better. She is our world and we can't wait to watch her grow!

Waiting for my baby girl :)
My other family <3
First family photoDaddies girl right from the start.First time seeing her. Best moment of my life.Rogan gave Payten her first bath and she didn't even cry, they just starred at each other.Payten Chantell <3Finally going home :)

Being a mom is the best thing that's ever happen to me. Rogan is an amazing dad and we've never been so happy. Can't wait to start out journey as a family. :)